Our middle school is doing character counts which are grades 7-8. I am not to familiar with how it works but here is the principal's e-mail if you would like to contact her. We as an organization do not fund it and were never approached, but that is worth us looking into. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our school has started something similar to what you are speaking of. Each month we have a certain goal. One month is compassion, one month is generosity...honesty...etc. At the beginning of the month we have an assembly where the students of the month are announced and each teacher has to write a short note as to why the student was chosen. The student is called up and receives a certificate, student of the month pencil, and a piece of candy. Their picture is taken and placed in the hall and also at our local Mc Donald's. The response from the kids has been great...this way the kids who aren't straight A perfect students do have a chance at becoming student of the month and everyone knows ahead of time what is required of them. The teachers really work well with it working each word of the month into their lesson plans and making kids truly aware of the meaning of the word.
Does anyone do the "Character Counts" program in their school? We are looking into this for our K-8 school. How involved is it? Do the teachers seem to like it? How much does the PTO contribute to this financially and with parent involvement? Do you recommend it? Thanks.