The BYLAWS for our K-1 PTO require at least $1000 carryover. The BYLAWS for the 2-5 PTO requires $2000. We are trying pretty hard at the K-1 school to spend as much as possible so we don't have an excess carryover (one year it was over $6000). Our parents' majority opinion is that the money raised should be enjoyed by the students, not set aside "just in case". This is especially relevant at a school where the students attend on ly 2 years. We recently reviewed our checkbook from last fall to see how much money we really needed before the fundraiser's money "arrived". This exercise can show you if you might have a big problem with a small carryover.
It all comes down to the same old tools: Bylaws and a Budget. If your budget is planned in August with the actual amount of carryover built in, then you will know how much you need to earn in order to meet your goals. Also, it will give you foresight into areas (budgets) you might need to cut if your fundraising goals fun short.
And always appreciate the feedback. I imagine we'll have some nice details about next school year's Shows by this summer. We will have more Shows, and we will go beyond New England. All I know for now...
gifford and jhb, I am also on the western end of the US and maybe TIM is listening and would possibly do a show in this neck of the woods. It sounds great!
Hmm, perhaps a case where I was just hurrying like mad to dash off an email and my tone must have been different from what I intended. I didn't mean a "dig" at anyone. Actually, I meant the question for "rjackson". The person in the audience who posed the question used almost the exact wording of the initial message here. Probably just coincidence, but I wondered if it might have been rjackson at the show. Maybe next time we can get Tim to add our Forum names to our namebadges so we can see who's who from our virtual discussions.
By the way, Gifford, I'm glad to hear from someone else in our general area of the country. I'm in Texas and was the only one outside the New England area who attended the conference. I think a lot of us are hoping the PTO shows occur regionally. I'd love to see them bring one down here. I really enjoyed going, but it was just a one-time personal treat to myself to travel that far. It's not something I could do every year. (But it WAS a lot of fun.)
OK OK JHB I would have loved to attend the PTO show, but I was stuck out here in Arizona. Sad but true Ü . But don't think I have not asked when you all are coming out west with a show too! Did I mention it is a sunny 70 degrees--- all week!!!!