Our PTO doesn't want to mandate who goes on the field trips. We're just concerned over how the selection process is carried out in our schools (any parent can send in their name - names are then drawn out of a hat - those who are drawn go regardless of whether or not they're known to the teacher or students) and we were curious as to what other schools do. Yes, we know that it's very difficult to get field trip chaperones, and no, we're not all willing to go on every field trip. We would, however, like the district to create a better system for choosing chaperones. I just came here looking for ideas from other schools. I wasn't looking to be "bashed" about my comments. Thank you.
Our PTO does not get involved at all with classroom helpers nor chaperones for field trips. Personally I do beleive it is the teacher's responsibility to know which parents are better suited for the job...not the PTO. It is hard enough to get volunteers to go on field trips let alone put them through back ground checks to go with their child on a school field trip. I hate to say it but...if the PTO feels so strongly about this issue I hope that they are willing to go on these field trips as well....
our PTO does not get involved in who goes along other than the fact that they are most likely part of the PTO. Anyone that helps out must fill out a CORI form for a check but it is up to the teachers to get people to cover the field trips. Many times it is the room parents that help or get the help. I not sure the PTO can be picky over who goes.
I'm a PTO President, and our PTO is concerned over the lack of guidelines for field trip chaperones. I'd like to hear how other schools handle this situation. Our district requires that all classroom volunteers have background (criminal & child abuse) checks, but seem to care less about who goes along on field trips. Thanks for your input!