Check with some of your local internet providers. Some will, with stipulations, give you a free site and get the first site set up for you. Some of the stipulations may be that you must be incorporated, non-profit, pay the internic fee / domain name costs or you must update the pages yourself. Just a's basically free or very low cost to start and a tax deduction for donation for the company who does it!
Sorry I did not see this sooner. Please take a look at our site at I think you will find some useful information. If you are doing this yourself you will most likely be able to find web hosting for very little money. However if you are using professional services you may need to spend a little more anywhere from $1,600 to $3,300. Hope this is helpful.
I am in the beginning stages of creating a website for our PTO. Does anyone have any advice on web hosts, cost (specifically, does your PTO balk at the cost), legalities, etc. I will be creating ours from scratch, using Microsoft FrontPage 2000. Any helpful info you can provide me would be appreciated!