At our school we also have a Pre-K/Kindergarten Tea at the end of the year for all the parents/students who will be attending the following year. The Principal as well as the Pre-K/Kindergarten teachers, the nurse, the speech teacher (etc.) and the PTO President are at this meeting to welcome the parents/students and let them know what our school is all about and the things the PTO does. Everyone seems really receptive towards this tea and we happen to get alot of volunteers out of it.
Our PTO has the 2nd Vice President (Head of Class Parents) do this. The office contacts her with the name and important information that pertains to the child and she then gives the front office a folder that we have painsakenly put together. In each envelope there is a folder,magnet,pencil and student planner with the school logo on it. There is a welcoming newsletter, short letter explaining the snow chain and who will call them and a membership letter.
Then the 2nd Vice President or myself will call the new parent and welcome them to our neighborhood and make the "PTO Pitch". I hope I have helped you.
Good Luch
Does anyone have a Welcome Wagon program at their school? We are trying to organize a program whereby families who are new to our district/school will be contacted by a member of the school PTO and made aware of programs and opportunities available. In addition, we would be looking to reach out to families with small children who are not yet in school to assist with school readiness or preschool playgroups through our family resource center.