I'm not sure all of the details. If you read a Roberts Rules book, it should help you with your voting and board. I would call some of the other schools in your area and get the Presidents' number and talk to them. I have found that in most cases the surrounding school PTO's are a great resource.
Hi everyone. Yes I am new and have absolutely no clue of what I am doing. But I am doing it nonetheless. I was approached by the director of the child care center that I bring my kids to as the best person she knew to set up a PTO.
I had two meetings so far, and about 80 parents are insterested. (the center caters to 450 children 3 moths to kinder.)
Aproximately 10 are interested in "offices". But I had questions.
1. How do I run elections if these parents don't really know each other yet.
2. Do I have to set up the corporation before I collect fees from parents?? If so..who covers the cost of incorporation and non-profit application?