Sounds like your group needs to either get by-laws or change your by-laws or start using your by-laws. By-laws are in place for just this type of time. It's worth the time to set up by-laws so that when someone tries to do something wrong you have something to point to/use to make things better.
Hi, The way they hold elections is sad. Last year the election was held at a pizza party at Pizza Hut not at a regular meeting.
No notice, no written ballot, if you were able to make it fine. In our PTO co-presidents is suppose to mean equal leadership. It has been mentioned this year that we need to have elections at a regular meeting and also written ballots. I hope that happens. Thanks for your input
John: Our by laws state that you cannot hold the same position for more than two years (unless no one wants the job). I was just wondering? dont you hold elections? Dont you have a nomination period and then an election? If people really dislike this woman why would they vote her in that position? What about the President? She needs to be told to calm her co-Pres down. She has to see what is going on? and Lastly, YELLING at other parents (volunteers) INEXCUSABLE!
It's hard when you have a bad leader, but I can't see how she can stay in office next year if you have elections. Won't she be voted out?
We had a similar pres. two years ago and things started to get ugly but a group of us decided that we would try to keep the PTO moving forward until the next election. We avoided confrontations with the pres. but we worked hard to make sure that the new leadership would have the support of everyone. It didn't take us too long to get the PTO back on track and we avoided a really ugly year.
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has in their by-laws how many years a person can be president or co-president. Ours in in her 2nd year as co and attendance is dropping of at every meeting. She is on such a power trip. She yells at the meetings, making people feel like she is the only one doing anything, which is not the case. She says she has no plans of leaving her position next year. Any ideas?