Can you get a teacher to talk about what parents should expect in grade 2? Also, you might provide helpful information about the school -- how pickup and drop-off works, signing in at the office, etc. All the little details that you know but that new parents might find confusing or intimidating at first.
In our school district we have a two K-1 schools. At the end of 1st grade the students/parents transition to a 2-5 elementary school.
I am a PTO President at one of the 2-5 schools. I am going to both K-1 April PTO meetings to meet parents who will be incoming to our school and to talk about our PTO/events. Does anyone have some ideas to share about our school (besides PTO events) that would be interesting for parents to know. I am really navigating at engaging them into wanting to volunteer and become a participating member of PTO and/or meetings. I need some ideas to get their attention.
Beth - feel free to email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.