We do it, but just within our school by grade level. The kids have loved it, but not all of them participate. In the past we've bought the set of questions ($45/grade), but have decided some of the questions were a little silly -- and so we are slowly going to work on making our own set of questions. That also allows us some room to give with book titles if we decide to work in some books they already read (for the lists of 20 books or so). I was thinking it would be great if we could partner with another school and share our lists of questions! Would be less work for all of us if anyone is interested!
Hi all, We are losing our librarians this year. (go budget cuts!). In past, there has been a statewide competition called Oregon Battle of the Books. It was a Quiz Bowl type tournament that asked questions about a select list of books. This program is in jeopardy so I'm starting to look around for others like it. Do any of you compete in
America's Battle of the Books? Or any other similar programs in your state? Just gathering info and thoughts.