Our school currently requires all parents to earn 40 pwp(parent work points) per school year. you can earn 1 point by either attending a meeting or events, going on field trip, working on a fundraiser, coaching or purchasing/donating items needed for school. 1 point = 1 hour or $20. The penalty for not finishing all yhour hours at the end of the year is a bill. You are bill at $15. for each unearn pwp.
Now I really love the 2hour pledge, but I want to add it to our current pwp process. I'm not sure how to merge the two. I think since most of our ,onthly PA meeting last about an hour, I can use the pledge to have them agree to attend atleast two meeting and give a incentive to the parents that do. Our attendance has been low in the past at the meeting due to past presidents.. Thanks to the resources I have gotten from PTOToday, I have been able to amp up our meetings. but our numbers are still low.