An English teacher and her son were at the mall in Texas. The son looked up and saw two cowboys. He said, "momma, look at those bow-legged cowboys." To which his mother replied," Now son, that's not a nice thing to say. If you say that again I'll have you read a chapter from my English Literature book when we get home for punishment." Well, the son just couldn't resist. He said, " But momma, Just look at those bow-legged cowboys." So the son had to read the chapter from the english book when he got home.
A few days later the mother and son went back to the mall, and saw the same two cowboys. This time the son said, " Hark, what is this there I see, two men wearing their pants in parentheses."
This joke is very hilarious, I couldn't stop myself falling from the chair.
It's an innovative idea to start our PTO meetings with some really good jokes.
I opened our meeting with a joke this year. I took an idea from your magazine and made a top 10 fundraising ideas we didn't use last year. Some ideas I used were... Family film night now showing footage of the teachers wild and unleashed in the teachers lounge AND kids selling lemonade at the roundabout in town. My favorite was women of PTL swimsuit calendar. I even put it in a powerpoint and projected it up onto the screen.
After that I made a little presentation on the computer to music (we are family) and showed slides of all of our events with dates for the upcoming year. Parents were excited to see pictures of their kids and teachers on screen.
I love the joke about the leaking gift that turns out to be a puppy. I don't know if I'll ever have the nerve to open up with a joke, but I love the idea of it. I just may try it!!