As you probably have already heard on the news, our Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has declared a fiscal emergency, anticipating a $4.5 billion budget shortfall. For San Diego Unified School District and others like it, it could mean between $78 and $80 million in cuts for the 2008-09 school year. We cannot continue to have our educational funding tied to our economy. California school districts currently receive $4800 per student - the national
average is $6800 per student, with New York State providing $12,000 per student. We will be 48th or 49th in the nation in per student funding.
WE NEED TO TELL OUR REPRESENTATIVES IN SACRAMENTO THAT THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE! We need to tell our legislators that education needs to be properly and consistently funded. We need long-term solutions. PLEASE HAVE THE PARENTS IN YOUR SCHOOLS contact their legislators to inform them how upset they are about these proposed cuts. Please email or write your Senator, Assemblyman and Governor.
To write to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger via email, please follow this link:
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger - Interact
- contact
You can find which Senator and Assemblyman represents your district at this website:
Capitol WebWorks, LLC Client Administration Site
If you'd rather send a letter via regular mail or make a personal call, here is the Governor's contact information:
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-558-3160
I have uploaded a pre-written letter that you could distribute to your parents in the File Sharing seciton of the PTO under Misc. It includes the info written above as well. PLEASE PASS THIS ON! Your kids are depending on it!