I can speak to the FM portion of the question. You can easily set up categories (both income and expense) to handle the outgoing and incoming dollars. Will allow you to easily see where you stand on money for each expense/reimbursement
Does anyone else do this pure "pass through" type of funding? Do you set up receivables or simply categorize the cash out as "expense" and subsequent cash in as "income" (even though in reality they are not)? Thanks!
Just a follow up on the second part of my previous post under the "Robert's Rules" Forum on 9/14/07 on our "prepay" expenses:
I am thinking about purchasing Finance Manager for our group. How does the program handle prepay items? We pay for items the teachers would like the kids to have right at the beginning of school. This way the teachers don't have to go through the bureaucracy of purchase orders/approvals etc. with the BOE (necessary, but time consuming). Our group expects repayment through teacher collection of the money due from students, but inevitably some of the money is not collected. As a group we have agreed to build this expense into our budget for the sake of the majority of the students in a class. We are not talking about a great deal of money. Does anyone else have such a situation? I want to keep things as simple as possible and prefer to just call these items "expense" for the initial outlay of cash and "income" for the student reimbursement of the outlay. ( Normally it would impact the cash account and a receivable account, but for our cash basis accounting, the income/expense categories seem to make sense and keeps things simple.) Is this an acceptable way to handle such transactions? Again, does Finance Manager address such pre-pay items? Will reporting it this way (income/expense) work if I have to file the 990EZ or the e-postcard return? Thanks.