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Silent Lunch Hour in Elementary

11 years 5 months ago #164451 by Andrew
Replied by Andrew on topic Re:Silent Lunch Hour in Elementary
Having gone through the educational system K-12 what I can say is I don't think silent lunches is a appropriate way to control kids. It is not fair that everyone gets punished for a group of people's misbehavior. As I read previously on some of the comments lunch is one of the few times students get to socialize and sit with people they want to, with recess in recession from many schools lunch is becoming one of the ONLY time to socialize. I also believe it is a violation to one's freedom of speech. I don't agree with this kind of punishment, and I believe students should have to right to talk about whatever they want to.
12 years 2 months ago #162500 by student
Replied by student on topic Re:Silent Lunch Hour in Elementary
I'm a student in elementry and we have silent lunch pretty much every day now just because someone whispers when it is silent lunch. The only way the teachers don't turn the lights off is when there is parents.

I don't agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13 years 2 months ago #159395 by lesvolunteer
Our Elementary school has a version of this - the cafeteria has music - when the music is playing (think classical music) the students focus on eating and cannot talk - when the music goes off, the kids can socialize and talk - Within their about 20 minutes for lunch, they get about three rounds each of "music/eating time" and social time. Initially, I wasn't a huge fan of not being able to socialize the whole time however, I now much appreciate the face that the administrators are making sure that my kids actually eat during their lunchtime so that they have the energy they need for the day. I find this approach to be a good "happy medium"
13 years 3 months ago #159192 by Confused by the fuss
Replied by Confused by the fuss on topic Re:Silent Lunch Hour in Elementary
Academic demands have shrunk lunch hours. Kids need to eat. They also need to calm and quiet down at some point during lunch to de-escalate the noise and confusion level. Most elementary kids quickly escalate from quiet voice to LOUD voice in the lunchroom. No lunch staff monitor likes to enforce silent lunch. It's a million times easier to just let kids talk. How is that not obvious? Enforcing silent minutes is for the kids, plain and simple. Five minutes of silence is not a big deal, and anyone still confused should spend a week volunteering for the entire span of lunch times at the closest elementary school.
13 years 3 months ago #159145 by W
Replied by W on topic Re:Silent Lunch Hour in Elementary
First of all, it is easy to make the children all be quite and take away the one time of day that they get to socialize. Is it easier for the Lunch staff???(YES!). Does this make the children unhappy?? Yes. So what is the lunchroom staff getting paid for. Jobs aren't suppose to be easy, especially when it comes to Children. There are no shortcuts, these are human beings we are talking about. Does your work give you a silent lunch? and if so would you stay at your job knowing that your basic freedom to talk is taken away? There is a time for work and there is a time for talk/play. School in the classroom is time for work, recess and lunch is time for play/talk/eat. My child's school has recess 2 times a week, if that. They do not get recess everyday. They have a 20 min lunch. After they eat there lunch they can walk outside in a circular courtyard and talk with one another. Similar to a prison(OH WAIT, in prison you can talk to one another#, excuse me worse then prison, So at this point the children have to shovel the food down there faces as fast as they can.#TEACHING BAD EATING HABITS#. Since the beginning of mankind#even cavemen#, sitting down to eat is the one time everyone socializes. I mean unless your not human of course. Let the children talk at lunch! Don't Punish other people just to make something easier for you!! And by the way, your the principle, you don't have to go into the lunch room and see kids with there sad faces cause they can't talk. What do YOU KNOW!!!!! Oh this study says this, and this study says that, and research says this and research says that. Research told people to drawn sicknesses out of their blood with Leaches back in the middle ages, It doesn't mean that's what you should do. Now a days using leeches is a Ridiculous statement. so saying.. "Oh, we have been doing this silent lunch thing for a long time and it works".... doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. It works for Whom??? the kids....NO.....the Teachers....YES. wow I would hate to be at your school Principle lady. So what's next? Oh lets Put Tape on the kids mouths so they won't talk, cause we have been doing it for a long time and it's easy??#total sarcasm by the way for those teachers and principles who might think that's ok to do#, how about tieing students hands to there sides so they can't raise there hands and ask questions. That's easy right. Oh here's one all parents love. Doing other peoples jobs on top of working all day. The schools got the Parents doing the Teachers job. We have to teach them how to do there home work. There is no helping them with there homework anymore, we have to actually teach them how to do there homework. Try being a non teacher and explaining to a 2nd grader multiplication. Here is an example of that. Say i was a Landscaper, this person PAYS me 100 dollars to mow there lawn....I tell them, "hey you need to your lawn before I get here so it's not so high when i mow it!" That customer is GOING TO TELL YOU to GET LOST!!.... It's your job to teach, DO IT. Stop making it our job to teach!! Parents have to work TOO. Then we have to come home make dinner, get the kids in the bath, read them a story. We don't have time to do your job. Bass Akwards!!! I am so pissed at how you are treating our children. Teach them, be kind to them, let them be children. Stop trying to Control all the things that you have the power to control. You are weak. If you can't handle watching a lunch room full of kids, then you shouldn't be a teacher, you shouldn't be someone who watches over children. And miss principle you should resign dear. You obviously told OLD to remember what it is like to be a child in need of constant love and affection and attention. I'm done. How pathetic.
13 years 7 months ago #157946 by mom from maine
Replied by mom from maine on topic Re:Silent Lunch Hour in Elementary
We do PBIS in our school. The PBIS team has come up with good respectful behavior they earn the silver spoon( just a regular big spoon we get from the kitchen) The kids love it. We also do if your table was the best during lunch next lunch you earn outside lunch or sit on the stage and have lunch. We had tossed the idea of silent, but we felt it would not fit the gidelines of punishment needs to fit the crime.
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