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PTO Group Website....

17 years 4 months ago #136867 by ptoproud
Replied by ptoproud on topic RE: PTO Group Website....
Thanks for all your help. I will probably go with Frontpage or Dreamweaver. I turns out that I won't have to worry about purchasing a domain name or host. Our school website has it's own server so they said all I have to do is design the site and they will handle the rest. When I get it done I'll post it. Thanks again.
17 years 4 months ago #136810 by eksimba
Replied by eksimba on topic RE: PTO Group Website....
I took over the website for our PTO this year. I believe that a well maintained website can be a terrific communication tool.

Since I had some previous web design experience, I went a slightly different path than many here have; I purchased and installed a "portal" style software package that gives me the ability to update the site by logging in with my web browser, but I have much more flexibility than with the free sites previously mentioned. I can also give login accounts to other individuals (as many as they want) so they can update portions of the site I designate for them (again, through their web browser). This lets me and others make frequent updates to the site.

Sooner or later I may enable the "discussion forums" portion of the site (very similar to these message boards) if the parents and teachers are receptive.

It's still a work in progress, but so far, so good:

Zuni Community Association - Home Page

Although we don't use free hosting, our hosting costs are more than made up for by the revenue generated by the affiliate store and links on our site. We direct our membership (and any friends and family they can enlist) to start at our website if they are going to make an online purchase through, and a portion of each sale comes back to the PTO, paying for the website (with whatever's left over going into the general coffers).

- Eric
17 years 5 months ago #136770 by balgraf
Replied by balgraf on topic RE: PTO Group Website....
I designed websites for two different schools using Frontpage 2003. (I know some of you are rolling your eyes but I thought it was very easy and I haven't had any problems.) Our hosting provider is . I didn't use a free site because many have advertising on them. I think orgsites might be one that doesn't. With orgsites you only get a few pages and I believe you don't have a lot of flexibility. I think a lot of people do use that so I would definately check it out. Another option would be to purchase a web template (I think you still have to have software like Frontpage, Dreamweaver, or Web Expressions). You will still need a hosting service. With web templates (google to see examples) you customize them to your liking but they look very professional. I'm sure there are people at your school who know way more than me (I am learning as I go!) and could give you advice. Good luck!
The websites I designed are
Dr. John Hole PTO
17 years 5 months ago #136758 by ptoproud
Replied by ptoproud on topic RE: PTO Group Website....
Our PTO does not currently have a website. I have permission to make a website and our school website will add the link. I would like to make the website myself. Did anyone do their own website and which design program did you use? Thanks.:)
17 years 5 months ago #136649 by Menlo Tigers
Menlo Elementary School PTO

great response from those parents who can't get to the meetings. We send out meeting reminders and updates. I've also gotten a lot of comments, ideas in the pto email too.
17 years 5 months ago #136643 by Shawn
Replied by Shawn on topic RE: PTO Group Website....
Website are a great tool for communication

here's ours Home

We've had it for less than a week and 6 parents have requested info.

Use as many ways as possible to communicate with your school stakeholders - one way or the other you'll catch 'em

but especially true to a website keep it short, simple, current and relevent- nothing kills this medium quicker than having an outdated site.

<font size=""1""><font color="#"black"">Liberalism is not an affilation its a curable disease. </font></font><br /><br><font color="#"gray"">~Wisdom of Shawnshuefus</font><br /><br><font color="#"blue""><font size=""1"">The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is...
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