We don't have one in our school, but I would think that depending on what purpose the library fund was created for, the AP tests would not be covered under there.
> Was the library fund created to add more books and material for the library?
> Is the AR Program part of your school curriculum or a program that the PTO created for the school?
If it was created by the school and not the PTO, then PTO funds should not be used for the tests unless its approved by the PTO. They may be just going through the librarians fund since its a way around having to present it to the board for funding.
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Do any of you have Accelerated Reading (AR) Programs in your school? If so, I have a couple of questions. Who funds the AR tests? At my school, the teachers request AR tests and the librarian purchases them using a library fund set up by the PTO. Should this be part of her budget or should the tests come out of a different budget? How do you reward the kids? We currently have an AR store run by the PTO and the kids "purchase" things using their points. Most of the items are junk as far as I'm concerned. We've heard about another school that rewards the kids with a carnival and the kids get booth tickets based on the number of points they've earned.