I agree. This year our volunteers are null and void.
We had about 10 that are still pushing ahead, but it's getting harder and harder to run fundraisers as well as fun events with the same people chairing them. Our Santa Shop was extremely stressful. We were behind scheduled shopping times each day because of the lack of volunteers- If parents would just see how excited these kids were when they were shopping and realize how disappointed they would be if we couldn't do the event- maybe then they would step up and volunteer, even for an hour. It would make a big difference.
volunteer coordinator
Topic Author
18 years 1 week ago#127737by volunteer coordinator
Yep, the few interested volunteers vanished over the holidays at our school too. Other priorities it seems, I agree.
What a child learns at home Will remain forever (dont know who wrote that)
We experience the same thing at my son's school. We received 150 new students at the beginning of the school year due to school closings. We also got a new principal, assistant principal, 6 new teachers, and about 10 aides. Many parents that the PTO counted on for volunteering took their children out of the school when they heard of the new changes and because our wonderful principal was forced to go to another school. We had to cancel our annual Santa Shop because we couldn't get any volunteers. The Santa Shop has been a tradition at our school for over 10 years. We might even have to cancel Field Day at the end of the year. Parents these days are so wrapped up in their own lives that they forget about the children. It really makes me sad and angry. I am so tired of begging for people to help out. There are 3 Moms who help out all the time including myself, and we are completely burned out.
I have to say that we usually see it but this year it hasn't appeared yet so that is exciting. Our January meeting had 24 people so that was a first to have that many this time of year (previous years it was around 14), but up until the last two weeks we have had a mild winter so people don't mind getting out! This week we have Volleyball, next week movie night, week after Easter Candy Sale kickoff, then Read Across America and then Celebrate Reading Night so we need to keep the momentum!
"When you stop learning you stop growing."
It is a tough time of year. My last group even agreed to let me drop the December and February meetings because we couldn't get a quorum. The January meeting was tough too but since I dropped December and February and then begged I could finally get a quorum for January. Volunteer energy seemed to finally return just in time for Valentine activities. Of course, this was in Illinois where everyone naturally slows down during the winter.
I even notice it on this board lately. Maybe it's typical. I haven't been around a whole year so I don't know the up and down cycles, but it sure has been a lot more quiet around here than usual.
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same."
"The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat but in the true perfection of one's character."
Agreed 100% with drop off. Pre holidays we were ok. We have grandparent's day coming up and I've only gotten 2 parents willing to bring in refreshments so far, out of the 18 or so needed. We did have a decent fundraiser last week, however.
I've sent out emails and flyers and the response just isn't there right now.