How does a BOE not have any say over what a PTA/PTO can or cannot do- they run the school district- yes?
A BOE can say no playgrounds, no fundraisng, no donuts and sugar, yes?
A BOE can say we have bidded out these services (and thiese co's won) and our campuses may only use these vendors for - food, lights, computers, books, pencils, staplers, paper, copiers, asphalt, equipment)- yes?
The principal runs the school and is the taxpayers' and stakeholders' (community, parents, staff, students) school liason but ultimatley has final say. (pretty much like an autocrat)
Ultimately a principal could say no PTA or PTO anything if they wanted to (it wouldnt be wise but its not unheard of)
Any reason or connection between the secondhand playgound place owner and principal? (I find that suggestion odd)
I'd start at the top - BOE or whomever (District council or lawyer- and find out Exactly what the steps are to put in a playground- Get IT IN WRITING if need be- I'd rather have it take a little longer and know what my option were)
A project will never get done if people are butting heads and claiming they dont get any say or input- that's just a recipe for disaster IMHO
In our old District principla sat on PTA board and was on playground and Beautifcation committee -so she was never out of the loop- but for digging of holes, installation we had to have District do it OR have a District rep with the person(s) installing, digging holes, putting borders and cinder blocks around trees ( the who paid for it was a whole other story since the District tried to charge the schol's 3-4 times what a reg contractor (or parent) would do it for), the playground was transfered (gifted to school) and principal and facilty maintenace persons were in charge of upkeep or contacting vendor for upkeep (holes in crushed rubber padding, climbing wall rock s that came of, etc)
LAUSD was split into Mini- Districts and I've never heard of a school system that any one of my 3 older kids (we lived in 5 states (Military moves)) that run how you describe) I'd be living their and 'Shawnfuscious would be King of the PTA for Life' (not making fun of u or your post, either- just me)
Hope this helps
[ 10-31-2006, 02:39 AM: Message edited by: Shawn ]