We worked a deal out with a local restaurant and give each staff member a handmade card (purse/coffee mug) with the coupon inside for a free coffee or soft drink. It's not a big gift, but the recognition goes a long way with the staff.
Our school's Sunshine/Social committee handles all staff birthdays, bereavements, celebrations, etc. We do a little something for the holidays in their boxes and do a big appreciation week.
We do something for every staff person's birthday. On the first day of the month, the birthday gifts are delivered. Our hospitality chairperson is in charge of the delivery.
Every year we've done something different...one year it was a mylar balloon attached to a candle that was wrapped in tissue paper. One year it was a mouse pad with the school logo imprinted. We've also done lanyards, really nice pens in a box, and coca cola can coozies that all had the school logo imprinted. Our budget is $200 and we've always been able to find a very nice gift within that budget. The staff loves their birthday gift. Of course, we also attach a gift tag that states who it's from.
We purchased stationary at the dollar store and printed them out on the computer saying happy birthday and then all of us signed them. we put them in their box on the morning of their birthday. This is the first year anything has been done, and they have been really surprised although it is only a card. I think it helps build a relationship between them and us.
Once a month, we provide a cake in the staff lounge for all of the birthdays that month. Simple and easy for one volunteer to do every month!
Madison PTO