Every Friday our school has a bake sale with the monies going to the class that is supplying the bake sale. We also have the kids wear the spirit shirts each Friday.
We don't do a fab friday but we do have breakfast buddies on the last friday of the month. Parents can come in and eat breakfast with their kids. The school has their breakfast but the PTO sells chicken biscuits from Chic Fil A (they sell them to us for a discount) and drinks. We don't make a ton on this, but it enocurages parental involvement and we usually pick up a parent or 2.
Does any one else do the Fab Friday's at their school??? We sell popcicles!! Just wanted to see if any other PTOs do this. I would really like to try and do it every Friday but our PTo only does it twice a month and if we miss the Friday we don't make it up..