Hello! I need some help. I've got two different administrations that our PTO serves. One of the principals is new...she and I started at the same time. This is my second year as PTO president, and our board is working on putting together policies for the disbursements to both schools. Last year, and the year before both principals where told that they could make a wish list, and we would pay for it. Unfortunately, there has been no communication at my daughter's school, and I don't know what we're paying for until the bill gets turned in to our treasurer (what? we had a cultural event? when?). The principals sometimes give us specifics, but this young one likes to give very general catagories, and then shift it to fill in where-ever she needs it...she's treating it as an extension of her school budget.
So, our board is asking that we get a purchase order before purchases are made for next year. She called me at home and flat out asked me to give the teachers $100 gift cards this year, and a luncheon because the teachers 'expect' this from the PTO. She said if we don't, then she will have to tell them that we've dropped them before she asks them to join the PTO. The thing is, that the governor is already issueing $100 gift cards, and I was told not to do it this year by our other (wonderful and supportive) principal. Basically, the young principal is solely interested in the financing that we provide. I have personally heard her make announcements to the teachers that make us look bad, and she is blocking PTO from involvement in school events/overschedules her own events and then complains when we cancel ours/blocking our request to fund areas where we'd like to see improvements...etc. etc. When I told her about the purchase order thing, she was really hot and told me that if we don't finance what she has on the list, that she'll just have to run her own fundraisers to do it. Help! She's a door locker/parent blocker. How do I charm the snake? [img]smile.gif[/img]