We would LOVE to do this same thing!!! The staff lounge is also the workroom where copies are made. I wish there was a way to seperate the 2 areas and make a relaxing little "get-a-way" for teachers. We try not to make copies while lunch is going on to keep the noise down.
Danielle, What color are you painting the walls???
We did this same thing last year. We were able to get the school cutodian to repaint for us and got the paint at cost from a local contractor. We bought them a new fridge and microwave(their's were from the 50's). We put soda, jucie and water in the fridge for them. That cost us about $450.00. We put up new valances and some flowers and table clothes. Then we surprised them on the Monday of Teacher App Week, they loved it. We had coffee and doughnuts for them and put a basket full of all different mints that said "Thanks for your committment to our children. We try to keep that basket stocked. I think just the paint made a huge difference. Good luck.
Thank for the ideas .... I think I may have worded my post incorrectly. We want to RE-decorate our staff lounge .... kind of spruce it up a bit. We will be painting and may be doing a mural. I was hoping to get some ideas on making the room more relaxing for our staff and incorporating some fun storage ideas.
How about some balloons, flowers, or some new table cloths? Or you could put a big bowl of 100Grand Candy Bars and say something like..You're worth more than 100 Grand! Huge thank you card signed by the students or all of the PTO inculding the superintedent and so forth. Does your staff lounge need refreshments filled for them? Maybe some special desserts with plates, napkins waiting their for them. Just some ideas.
We are thinking about decorating the staff lounge as part of Staff Appreciation Week. If anyone has every done this before I would love to hear your ideas ..... we are operating on a stiff budget but we have many volunteers willing to dedicate some time to this project. Thanks !