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Principal resigned

19 years 5 months ago #66116 by smenny13
Replied by smenny13 on topic RE: Principal resigned
We got a new principal!!! I think she is going to be great!! She is so into the PTO and Family Events. And she is pushing for more teacher's help as well. I have a feeling that this year is going to be good!!
19 years 5 months ago #66115 by KayCee
Replied by KayCee on topic RE: Principal resigned
Is it in your by-laws that the principal has to okay your budget? Our principal didn't even come to the two meetings we had to discuss the budget, or to the one when the general PTO voted on it.

If a principal is required to 'sign off' on whatever you decide, maybe you could ask the district office (assuming there is one) if they can advise you on what to do. I mean, how can you plan a Back to School event of any kind without funds available?

Good luck.
19 years 7 months ago #66114 by pals
Replied by pals on topic RE: Principal resigned
smenny oh how i can feel for you...our beloved principal announced that she was stepping up to asst superintendent last November. In early 2005 the district put an interim principal in our school til June. opened the job position, took applications, interviewed, the building team interviewed the final four canidiates, we made a recommendation, the board accepted the recpmmendation, hired this new principal. He had to finish out his intern at the school he was at and was to start here July 1st. He came a few times, talked to the staff, met the kids, etc. He seemed to be a great fix...
Well the second week in May he decided not to come here after the principal at his current school quit.So we are back to square one...again!
The first interim principal could only stay six months due to his retirement, so two weeks ago the board put another interim prinicpal in our school until we hire a new principal. Said goodbye to the first interim...The thing is the search was extended by a week so we are guessing the pickings may be slim. My question like yours is I worked with one interim, now I am suppose to work with another yet they are hoping the new principal will be there by September,,,that means another person.UGH UGH UGH It gets tiring and right now i am laying low for a few weeks. my old principal/district says to keep going as we would but it does make it hard. I mean one person can okay it and the next can say no. Hang in there and work with who is there, i know it is tough but at least you are making the effort.At least it is summer...yea yea yea

"When you stop learning you stop growing."
19 years 7 months ago #66113 by Serendipity
Replied by Serendipity on topic RE: Principal resigned
A few years ago we had a principal that resigned.
We went a head with all out plans as we had no idea who the new principal would be or when they would be hired.

You really need to just go ahead and make your plans. Do you have an acting principal in the meantime?
19 years 7 months ago #66112 by smenny13
Principal resigned was created by smenny13
I just found out yesterday that our principal has resigned. It was a shock to me and the treasurer (I am the president) since we just met Friday to set up next years budget. I am really not sure where that puts us now. So do we still plan all our stuff for next year, then get it OK'd by who ever is taking her place? Has anyone else had this happen before?? Would like any input. I am ready for a new principal that wants to be involved more with the kids, but at the same time I am not sure I want a new one.
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