We have 2 teachers that share the position of "Teacher Rep." for our PTA. Otherwise, it's all parents except for the principal & asst. principal who are also members attend every meeting, but don't hold an actual office. I would say the office of president should be a parent.
Our bylaws wil not let a school employee hold an elected position unless they have a child at the school. Is it possible your bylaws have something similar? I also am not comfortable-from experience-with having staff members in these positions. Keep us informed.
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
19 years 8 months ago#65859by <unregistered>
I would guard against it. We have a teacher on the board as VP. Even though she does have a child at the school, I feel that it is a conflict of interest. There is too much of a power thing going on (here anyway).
I am currently a member of a PTO with a nw principal and there is alot of tension between her and the current board. An outgoing member has nominated a teacher for President. She does not have a child in the school and is tight with the principal. I am wondering if anyone else has heard of a teacher as Pres. - it seems like a conflict of interest to me. I think there would be a lot of influence from the Principal and teacher. There have been problems this year and noone wants to speak up for fear that their child might feel repercutions. Just wanting other experience and advice.