Due to health problems of another principal, we lost our pricipal in October of last year with about 2 weeks notice. The new principal was great. I am on the Staff Appreciation committee and we tried to make the transition a positive event for both of the principals. I got an Office Depot gift card for each of them to use in their new office. A great way to say thank you to one and welcome to another.
The last time we got a new principal, the parents were informed in the May newsletter but the staff knew well before that. When our Asst. Principal was out on leave in Sept and part of Oct, we had an amazing sub for her and I felt like she not only did that job but just added those little nice touches. Hopefully you'll get a sub like that!
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
Hi Guys, this morning i received some very hard news. I found out that our principal is leaving in January to become basically our asst. superintendent. Well I am happy for her I am concerned about the way our district is handling this. They are going to put in a temp from January to July and then the new principal will start July 1st. I am a little upset that this is going before the board for approval next week and the parents wont be notified til after the meeting by a letter going home on Wednesday. which happens to be right before a 4 day break.
What I am wondering is well it is common practice within our district to withhold these decisions from parents til after, how many of your districts tell you before hand? I also wonder what switching two times will do to the students? i am confused on whether to say something to the group via e-mail or wait and let them find out the hard way???what would you do
[ 11-04-2004, 07:24 PM: Message edited by: pals ]
"When you stop learning you stop growing."