I have been creating websites for over 8 years now and did our school website about 3 years ago, which also has PTO information on it. You can see it at
Theodore Jones Elementary
. If you need help just let me know and I will see what I can do!
We are just now getting a PTO link on our school website. One of the classes is in charge of it. We won't do anything real elaborate, just have dates, volunteer opportunites, how to get in touch with us, and stuff like that. I don't even know how many of our families have a computer, or would use it to access this information. But it's there if someone would like to see it. How well does your site get used?
I created the website for our elementary school. I self taught myself how to do it. After 5 years I think it is quite good, if I say so myself, LOL. You can see it at ptoflood.freeservers.com
I would be glad to help you or anyone with questions on how to do one.
Many of our local PTAs use the school district server. Others like us (council) use paid websites like myschoolonline or there is a free one -orgsites.
I know that there are many out there and some also purchase from internet providers.
I use Yahoo for our website. I am not smart enough to add documents to it. :confused:
Our school districts website has all of our schools on them. Well, almost. We have undergone some major changes. Our high school (yes we only have one) has a very interactive website. Parents can get a PIN # to check on their child's progress.
Help, do any school PTOs/PTAs have web sites up and running. We would like to have a website to use to give parents the latest up to date info about school events. Do any parent groups have this and if so how do you get started? Thank you.