We charge $15 a year per family. Forms include name, address, phone, e-mail ( we send most of the minutes that way), kids name, grade and teacher, and check-off lists for areas of volunteer interest. We have about half the families at the school as members and about 3 faculty.
What kind of survey did you use? I am in the same boat. Five parents, zero faculty, and 800 students. If you could send it to me, I would trult appreciate it. Thanks! [img]smile.gif[/img]
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we do not charge parents or teachers to be in the pto. if we did we would not have anyone. in sept.03 we had 7 faculty members and 8 parents. our student load is around 500 students. pretty bad i know. i did send a survey around to teachers asking their opinions about how i could get more involvement from them. it worked. the last meeting all but 3 of the faculty was there and the parent load was 15.
Our teachers and administrators are all members thanks to the teachers association paying the $5 for all it's members! See the love and support? It is great!
Our PTO automatically gives membership to our teachers, principal and administrators. No dues to pay and no forms to fill out. Every family at our school is considered a member of PTO whethere they pay their dues or not. We actually ask for the money on a donation basis. How much does everyone's PTO ask for as dues per year? What is the form everyone has their members complete? We have never had a form and I am interested to know what everyone uses it for!