Originally posted by <brendaroderick>: I am just curious to know how many PTO's give $ to classrooms for the year and how much is given per student/classroom.
We currently give $15.00 per student and want to know what others are doing.
What we started this year is giving each grade level 10% of their sales from our annual fund raiser, through Premier or whomever it is that your school goes through! You could give each individual teacher 10% of their classroom sales as well. There is also a stipulation that the money has to be used for the school year in which the money was raised...to be fair to the students who worked so hard! The teachers aren't given the money up front, they are just told how much they have and when they want something, they make a request to the PTO Treasurer!
That is what we do at our school...just a thought!
Each teacher is allowed up to 200.00 in reimbursements (classroom supplies, crafts, gifts for sutudents etc.)Each grade level gets 250.00 for educational supplies (which become the property of our school)- we allow 150.00 per grade level for field trip transportation and 50.00 per classroom for student welfare (one teacher used it for lost lunch money, we have bought gym shoes for students out of this fund - or school supplies that the parents just don't send to school).
WE give each teacher $100 in the fall, if a teacher is new or has changed grade level they get $200. WE had a big shuffle in our grade level teachers this year (8 teachers switched to a new grade). They submit their recpts for reimbursement. Some of our older teachers don't always use the entire amount, but new teachers use the money right away. We also have a mini grant program that teachers and staff can write grant proposals form the PTO. The committee meets and puts requests in order of priority. WE fulfilled $7,000 in requests last fall and are now looking at 2nd semester requests. We try to accept any proposal that impacts the students in a positive way and try not to micromanage the teachers.
We are a public charter school and our school is K-11th grade this year and willbe a k-12thgrade school next year.
At the beginning of the year we decided that our mission was to fund program/assemblies for all grades. After we decided on the programs/assemblies (with input from teachers and administators) and funded and scheduled these programs, we look at teacher requests.
We ask the teachers to fill out a "request for funds form" and vote each month on which requests we can meet depending on our finances that month. Last month we voted to purchase a $3,500 piano. Next month we will look at all unfilled requests plus new requests and vote again.