I have absolutely had it with my job as PTO President. I am tired of doing the Dog and Pony show to have 5 parents show up at a PTO meeting. To have 3 volunteers show up at the Fall Festival and then complain that the dinner line was moving too slow. I nearly snapped!
The administration at the school wants the PTO to raise money for them but not have an opinion on anything related to the school. The prinicple has a dictatorship. She will say she wants your opinion on something and then diregard whatever you said and do what she had intended in the first place. I am wasting my time!
I believe they actually enjoy that there aren't more parents involved because then parents would really see how things are done around there!
I can't do this anymore! I work full-time 50+hours a week, go to school and try to raise my family! Something has to give!