Our PTO president just found out today that our treasurer for the past 3 years, has been stealing money from our PTO account, for the past 3 years. The new PTO board was having trouble getting the paperwork, statements, checkbook, etc., from him and passed on to our new treasurer. There was always some sort of excuse for not being able to meet us with everything. Finally, our PTO pres went to the bank to find out for herself the status of the account. Shock and disbelief hit us when we found out what he did. We should have had thousands of dollars in our bank account, and we only had half of that. (The account had been down to a couple hundred dollars, but he was able to replenish parts of it in the last couple weeks.) This was a friend. He has done more damage than I can say. He admitted to several of the PTO board officers that he did steal the money, but he was trying to "put it back." This school year is our 5th year in existence, so we did have some inexperienced parents running things. We just found out tonight about fidelity bonds. I wish we had one prior to this.
One of our many questions is: What do we do now? Do we press charges? Do we try to keep this quiet? How do we respond to parents when they find out (and you know they will)? How does this affect our non-profit status? How do we get our money back? This next school year, we will be moving into a new building, and we already had (so we thought) a sizable chunk of money for playground equipment. Who's going to want to contribute to a school fund raiser when they find out that the treasurer, albeit the prior treasurer, stole money? How can we assure contributors that their money will be going for what we say it will?
Then there is this nasty, NASTY, group of parents in our school that thrive on negativism, badmouth PTO to anyone they can, purposely cause trouble for other parents then laugh in the school halls at what they did. They are extremely divisive in our school, and our principal has absolutely no control over them. He just lets them do what they want. How do we deal with their added antics that are meant to harass and bully, especially when they are directed at PTO members and PTO board members? We fear that this nasty group of parents will make this whole embezzlement issue worse. (Yes, they can easily do that.) Our former treasurer needs help with his disease, but we're afraid this nasty group of parents will make it next to impossible for him to make things right.
We appreciate any advice. Thanks.