This list sounds great -- please send one my way (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Ideas that we had last year (and not having seen the list yet -- they might already be included) was to have my daughter write an acrostic poem for her teacher, decorate with artwork, and place in a nice frame. This is still displayed outside of her teacher's classroom so I think it went over ok. For example, Mrs. Smith is S - sweet, M - magnificent, I - incredible, T - thoughtful, H - happy. We did a variation on this same thing for the teacher at the end of the year. Her teacher, a gardener, received a container garden filled with plants/herbs that spelled out the letters of her name ex. Mrs. Rice - R - Rue, I - indigo, C - chive, E - echinacea. That's all for now. Thanks!