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build a sense of community in my community

22 years 7 months ago #63557 by Lisa@Tx
I would also recommend attending School Board meetings and city council meetings especially if your town isnt too big.

I liked the idea of a live chat online.
Lisa @ Tx
22 years 8 months ago #63556 by IMovePeople
Replied by IMovePeople on topic RE: build a sense of community in my community
Our district is seriously restructuring this year. We have 2 brand new elementaries which will draw their population from the existing, overcrowded schools. Boundaries have been redrawn so that some students will be "shifted" to other schools, either the new ones or existing ones. As president of the PTO of one of the new schools, I contacted the other boards to coordinate dates for our events so that they don't overlap with theirs. These kids have been friends a long time and may want to go to the other schools' fun fairs or activities and the doors won't be closed to anyone wanting to attend. Also - the pres with the most experience has said that she will be contacting us all to coordinate a district wide, elementary PTO council so that we can bounce ideas off each other, let each other know what works and doesn't - sort of like the discussion forum except specific to our area and LIVE CHAT! I'm looking forward to that, as well. Communication is key in community "getalong" as well as the PTO. The more the better.
22 years 8 months ago #63555 by <MO2>
Replied by <MO2> on topic RE: build a sense of community in my community
The volunteer coordinator for our school district facilitates a PTA/PTO brown bag roundtable discussion about every six weeks during the school year. Parent group leaders from all the schools come together and share ideas, concerns and thoughts. I know that this was very helpful for me. I would love to see a "friendly competiton" between the local elementary school on a "drive". This could be food, non-food, blood, school supplies etc. The problem that would be faced is that some schools are better off economically than others. However I think this would be a great way for the schools to focus on a cause together and do good in the community as well.
22 years 8 months ago #63554 by BellTopMom
Replied by BellTopMom on topic RE: build a sense of community in my community

One of my goals this year is also to get the PTO's in our district to work together on some things. Right now we have 5 elementary schools in the district and we are so far apart. I, as PTO President this year am going to contact all of the Boards of the other Elementary schools in the district and invite them to different things at our school. I know of one event early in the year, where a speaker is going to come and talk about Internet safety for children. This event will be open to all of the other PTO's and their parents. I met one PTO President back on the 4th of July and she and I are on the same wave length on a lot of things. I think networking is going to be the key.

Good Luck! [img]smile.gif[/img]
22 years 8 months ago #63553 by erobinson
I am a the incoming pres for our pta, I would love to see all of our pta's working together within our community. Our pta was involved in our school but not really at council level how can I reach out and become involved and give and get ideas from more experienced pta members? fyi...
our council will be running without a pres or vice pres, so they won't be meeting regularly.
any advice would be very helpful!!! Also any ideas on becoming more involved within our community?
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