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New Principal

22 years 9 months ago #63527 by IMovePeople
Replied by IMovePeople on topic RE: New Principal
O.K. - straight from the horse's mouth - here it is . . . . Tums. Lots and lots of Tums.
But seriously, there are a few things that may be helpful. Most administrators belong to ASCD (The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development). It is an outstanding organization and publishes a number of great magazines (most
notably "Educational Leadership") Their website is If the district doesn't pick up the membership cost (some do some don't), it would be a great gift. They also have a lot of books and stuff at the website. There is also the NAESP (National Association for Elementary School Principals) and probably a state affiliate to belong to. These are usually worthwhile (if not
glamourous) but may be too pricey. As far as smaller items, I might think a small gift certificate to a local restaurant/bar might be nice with a note saying "for when you just need a drink." The contact numbers (especially of the
PTO) would be helpful and I like the school spirit ideas. I have a Magic 8-Ball on my desk to help me make decisions...just an idea. (By the way - I know my brother's sense of humor - you don't so please don't think he's serious about the 8-Ball - I just had to leave it in because it's so cute!)
22 years 9 months ago #63526 by BellTopMom
Replied by BellTopMom on topic RE: New Principal
It is a K-5 school. These are great. The date book is a great idea. IMovePeople... I look forward to your brother's response! :D :D :D :D
22 years 9 months ago #63525 by TheMetzyMom
Replied by TheMetzyMom on topic RE: New Principal
OK, I'll go with the obvious: School Spirit Shirt, something from each of the traditional programs (like a red ribbon for Red Ribbon Week), a couple gift certificates from local eateries (donated of course!), a school pen and datebook, a school cup, ruler, etc. My favorite? Give the new principal a fairly good sized date book with all of next year's meeting dates highlighted! :D
22 years 9 months ago #63524 by IMovePeople
Replied by IMovePeople on topic RE: New Principal
What grades? How about a whistle? A PTO checkbook with all the pages/checks ripped out or voided (just kidding about that one!) A list of PTO board members, the most recent student directory and/or yearbook. Tell you what - my brother is a first year principal this year - how about I ask him what he would have LIKED to get but didn't and I'll quit brainstorming and get back to you on that one.
22 years 9 months ago #63523 by BellTopMom
New Principal was created by BellTopMom
Our school is getting a new Principal for next year. The current Principal is retiring after 27 years... he was there when my husband was. As PTO pres next year I thought it would be nice to present a "Welcome" bag filled with different goodies to the new Principal. We have some sportswear and a bumper sticker but what are some other ideas that could go in the bag? I am stumped!

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