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Disgruntle Officer

22 years 11 months ago #63383 by newpres
Replied by newpres on topic RE: Disgruntle Officer
Hi everyone, First of all thank you all for the support, I guess we have all had these "types". It takes all kinds to make the world go round as my mom used to say. Well, I almost gave up for next year but after the tears, and then the anger, I am doing this for my children, the school, and all of the other children so therefore I decided that I will not let them get me down. That's what I think they want. I know that I handled it very professionally at the meeting. I not only had the Principal tell me how wonderfully I handled it but I also had two teachers, who were in attendance that night, stop me in the hallway of the school a couple days later and thank me for all of my work and tell me how great I handled it. I then had at least four parents (members) call me or speak to me the next time I saw them and tell me what a good job I am doing and that I handle the "clique" very well. I've tried to avoid any more response other than a thank you and in some cases a little bit of feedback with two of the parents that I know well to see if they think I should address the issue in the next meeting. I think that I have decided not to. It just justifies to them that they did "get to me". I feel pretty secure that people know where my heart is and hopefully that is enough to win the election. I to get along tremedously with our principal, he's a great support.
To clear up some misunderstanding, I did not have the checkbook at the jump-a-thon it was taken care of prior and the checkbook was back in the hands of the treasurer a couple of days later. They didn't even need the check for the fundraiser until the night of the meeting. It was all just something to "pick" about. I have resolved to the fact that my energy is to be used on the kids and the school, I don't have EXTRA energy to waste on petty behavior.
22 years 11 months ago #63382 by schoolscool
Replied by schoolscool on topic RE: Disgruntle Officer
I too am a first time president (I suppose the silver lining to no parents other than board members showing up to meetings is that they can't
gang up on us). As far as the checkbook issue --
It is required that we have 2 signatures on the checks so if someone needed a check the treas. would have to contact me anyway. Well, actually there are 3 of us who can sign... me, our treas. and if one of us is out of town our school secretary who is a pto member. (the purpose of our school secretary being able to sign is that we always know where she is if the treas. needs a check NOW but I'm not home. If our treas. goes out of town then she brings me the check book.
23 years 2 days ago #63381 by TheMetzyMom
Replied by TheMetzyMom on topic RE: Disgruntle Officer
First, let me say that I find such inspiration from people like mykidsmom! I aspire to be like him/her. Second, it is always very comforting to see that others have to deal with the same kinds of problem people I do. I, too, was a new prez this year. I am running for re-election tomorrow night (nominations). I have guided our PTVO to new heights, accomplishing more than any before us. We raised more money with less effort, provided more activities, purchased more supplies and day to day items, provided teachers with more parent support and monetary support than ever before, and yet, I still have people who don't think I've done a good job. I don't want to name any names, but my VicePresident has pulled a few sucker punches on me too. The one thing I didn't do, was handle it 'professionally' so to speak. I was in such shock when she pulled her latest, that, as calmly as I could, as she called for a motion, well...I looked like a real B*tch when I stopped the motion from going forward with words to this effect: There can be no motion until I've seen the material". She does enjoy me getting flustered and looking bad at the meetings. She even sat with her back to the board at the last meeting and made snide little comments under her breath! Here is what I did afterwards: I had a witness stay with me after the meeting so that there would be no confrontation. The following morning, I went to the Principal and let her know that this could not continue. There needed to be some sort of confrontation, but on neutral ground. I am very lucky that the Principal adores me (lol) and was very quick to help out. I still took the high road during the meeting with my nemisis, not going after her, letting her speak her mind and get stuff off her chest. I still don't trust her, but she knows the school and I stand together as one. I will still have to figure out how not to lose my cool when she pulls stuff, but I don't believe she will pull as much now. OH! and on the issue of the checkbook...our bylaws are written that two signatures are required and the signatures on record are: the Treasurer, the President (me) and an non-officer representative (has been the same rep for years). Nothing, and I mean nothing, should be spent without the prez knowing about it first, so what was the problem? They should've checked with you first anyway and THEN gone to the Treasurer! :rolleyes: :eek: :D :eek: :rolleyes:
23 years 5 days ago #63380 by mykidsmom
Replied by mykidsmom on topic RE: Disgruntle Officer
I could tell you all about how we don't even HAVE a ccheckbook to carry because per our scholl district the school handles our account BUT what I am going to offer you is my recipe for chocolate cake! LET THEM EAT CAKE!! I don't know if this is the baby talking now, but I am so fed up with members ganging up on officers on an issue that could be easily disscused and resolved! Our kids figure out how to take turns with a toy --I don't want to compair a checkbook with a toy but if the Treasurer can't be at a meeting and the committee needs money HELLO!!! Would they have felt better if the Secretary had it???!!! I'm sorry, but I hope I got a smile outta ya!
Take a deep, put away the gloves (you don't want to be seen carring boxing gloves), bake a cake,
and you could serve it on plates....or take the Bugs Bunny aproach and NOT serve it on plates! Don't let them do this to you! You are a much stronger person than they know (and you too!).
Ain't nothin' gonna break your stride...Nothin' gonna slow you down....Got to keepa movin'! Come on you know the song! ;) [img]smile.gif[/img] :cool:
23 years 1 week ago #63379 by pto queen
Replied by pto queen on topic RE: Disgruntle Officer
Hello Newpres- I am not really the pto queen but that is what my Principal calls me hince the screen name. I am a first year President and one thing that i learned this year is there will always be someone or a small group that chooses to be negative and picky about everything you do! My Principal told me early in the school year "You will not please everyone." Some people just like to argue over everything. Who you need to concertrate on is 1)the children 2) pleasing the positive people. Now secondly, it was not a very good idea to take the checkbook to the jump-a-thon. I agree with you the time and the place for that discussion was not apporiate but, the treasurer should have given you a check made out to the place you would be purchasing the water from or if there were no other way, she should have made the check out to you. The treauser is responsible for that checkbook and should not let it out of her procession! I would have been upset also if I needed a check and the Treasurer did not have the checkbook! Just my opinon! Keep your chin up and keep smiling because the people you are affecting far out way that small little group of woman! :D
23 years 1 week ago #63378 by newpres
Disgruntle Officer was created by newpres
What, if anything, would any of you do over an officer who distastefully seems to set up friction within the monthly meetings? This is the second meeting, which by my logon you can tell I am the presiding President, of which I have felt "set-up" by my Vice President into a very unruly topic of discussion amongst the membership. It appears to me that she is a "click" with 3 other members, who regularly attend the meetings, to set me up to be frustrated or at their wishes to "look bad" to the membership. This meeting was a blindsided comment over the control of the checkbook amongst the officers. I happen to have the checkbook, intrusted to me by the Treasurer, to supply a check for drinks for our annual jump-a-thon. Apparently they needed a check because they are the Spring Fundraising Committee and I had it when they called the Treasurer. I felt that this was not the place to ask this issue. Our Vice President could have asked the issue amongst the Officers during our meeting prior to the members meeting. But it wasn't even brought up then. The last issue turned into an ugly discussion concerning how the Fall Fundraiser was choosen. Didn't need to be an ugly conversation, I thought we were all adults, but that was how it was brought about was with such turmoil. I have not let them get the best of me yet however! I have actually had other members comment to me after the meeting that I had handled the situation quite professionally and better than they would have had it been them. I AM AT MY END!!!!!!! Please someone give me some suggestions.
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