First, let me say that I find such inspiration from people like mykidsmom! I aspire to be like him/her. Second, it is always very comforting to see that others have to deal with the same kinds of problem people I do. I, too, was a new prez this year. I am running for re-election tomorrow night (nominations). I have guided our PTVO to new heights, accomplishing more than any before us. We raised more money with less effort, provided more activities, purchased more supplies and day to day items, provided teachers with more parent support and monetary support than ever before, and yet, I still have people who don't think I've done a good job. I don't want to name any names, but my VicePresident has pulled a few sucker punches on me too. The one thing I didn't do, was handle it 'professionally' so to speak. I was in such shock when she pulled her latest, that, as calmly as I could, as she called for a motion, well...I looked like a real B*tch when I stopped the motion from going forward with words to this effect: There can be no motion until I've seen the material". She does enjoy me getting flustered and looking bad at the meetings. She even sat with her back to the board at the last meeting and made snide little comments under her breath! Here is what I did afterwards: I had a witness stay with me after the meeting so that there would be no confrontation. The following morning, I went to the Principal and let her know that this could not continue. There needed to be some sort of confrontation, but on neutral ground. I am very lucky that the Principal adores me (lol) and was very quick to help out. I still took the high road during the meeting with my nemisis, not going after her, letting her speak her mind and get stuff off her chest. I still don't trust her, but she knows the school and I stand together as one. I will still have to figure out how not to lose my cool when she pulls stuff, but I don't believe she will pull as much now. OH! and on the issue of the checkbook...our bylaws are written that two signatures are required and the signatures on record are: the Treasurer, the President (me) and an non-officer representative (has been the same rep for years). Nothing, and I mean nothing, should be spent without the prez knowing about it first, so what was the problem? They should've checked with you first anyway and THEN gone to the Treasurer!

