We have given our principal a 'needy' fund to be used at her choice (lunch money, summer school, milk, field trips etc.) Then the teacher's can go to her. This way privacy is kept. Maybe this will help.
I know $3.50 doesn't seem like alot of money.... Our group has been giving the sixth grade $300 to assit with students that want to go on an Outdoor Ed fieldtrip with never a question of who recieved the money etc.
My question is can't this money come from the generous amount your group already is providing? Is this $3.50 for a month or the whole year?
It really isn't an awful this to do- helping this student's family with no questions asked but yes, where do you have to say no? I agree and was alittle upset to hear teachers pick up the tab when a family can't. I myself have given too many sodas to a thirsty student at a skate party that I know.
Maybe a stipulation of "Please set aside $50 of your $500 just incase a student needs you rhelp in this matter" ----
I really do applaude the fact your group can be so generous to your teachers- we are a K-12 school and no were near able to give even $50 to each class!
We are a k-3 school with about 600 students. Each grade level uses Scholastic News or other age approp. news mag as a teaching tool. Cost is usually paid by each parent.(Only about 3.50) We have been approached by a teacher to pay for 2 students who's parents will not. In the past teacher's have kicked in the money themselves . Last year the PTO donated $500.00 per grade level for the teachers to spend at their discretion for supplies and equipment related to their cirriculums. We also give each teacher a check for $100.00 each November to defray some of their personal expenses. While I do not think it is right for a teacher to use her own cash I am afraid of the can of worms that paying may open. Any ideas?