We have a set $ amount that we carry over each year, we call it start up money. In addition, we do not have any teachers in an elected position but there is nothing stopping them from running. As far as the Principal, she sits on the executive board an has a vote.
I don't see how any PTO could exclude teacher from serving on the board. Our by-laws say we must have a teacher in the VP position. They don't really do anything, but their vote is heard. All teachers are required by the district to come to all PTO meetings. Most of the time we have more teachers than parents. Kinda sad I know.
I can't see how not allowing any funds to carry over to the next year would work either. Our first fundraiser isn't until the end of Oct.
I would vote in new by laws to address such matters for next year.
I know that we recommend to our units to have at least 3 months operating costs in the bank at all times. We also recommend carrying over enough money to cover events of the next school year until the first fundraiser is scheduled. It depends on the school and their scheduled activities but there are usually many expenses at the beginning of the year and we certainly allow for that. A recommended carry over is even designated in our standing rules.
We do have 3 teachers on our board that are elected each year by the teachers....after all this is who represents their votes at our board meetings. This year we have also considered letting our principal be a voting member, as one of the teachers may be leaving. This would really help if we have conflicts on issues, because he would have some say, but could always be voted down. Also, we do carry fund over every year! And believe me this was a very interesting topic as we(PTO) handle teachers accounts also!
I am the new vice-president of our PTO. It seems that someone has told our principle that we cannot carry funds over from one year to another. Also in the past some of the teachers held offices, but had to resign when told that a school employee could not hold an office. There is nothing in our Bylaws stating that either can't be done. As an independent organization, don't we have the right to state in our bylaws who can hold office or how funds are handled?
[This message has been edited by TerriW (edited 10-11-2001).]