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HELP! We are being put on the spot!

23 years 7 months ago #63118 by MicheleC
Replied by MicheleC on topic RE: HELP! We are being put on the spot!
I echo the WOW sentiment! What a bag to be left holding.

Were you on the board last year? Where is last year's president of the PTO? I would like that two of you should be attached a tthe hip for that day and as JHB said--stay neutral! State that the PTO is there to support the school and student learning and you are willing and ready to work cooperatively with the school administration and teachers next year and beyond!

You alsways have the right to say "no comment", but this is often turned around by the media and interpretted by viewers as either yes or no, whichever answer they are looking to trap you in. Be careful and DO LET THEM SEE YOU SWEAT! YOu will do fine!

Good luck!
23 years 7 months ago #63117 by plw
Replied by plw on topic RE: HELP! We are being put on the spot!
Barbiedoll, we are all interested to hear how things went! Let us know!
23 years 7 months ago #63116 by mykidsmom
Our school is still mending from a Prez that went to the press and accussed the Principal of spending money (I can't think of the word) for one thing instead of another. A petition was sent out and the parents were so excited because they had 200 signatures but when the district hired a temp and called all the people to verify they knew what they were signing....they ended up with 50 and the petition was thrown out. The Prez paid dearly the past year, SEVERAL men started showing up to make sure she didn't "pull another stunt". And how did this start? All she said was "Yes, I have a comment for the Press. As the PTO President......."
Aren't we here for the kids? Not the politics? THe district will do the right thing and if your PTO feels compleled to comment, talk directly to the district office. They really do listen, I know because we still have our Principal and all charges were dropped. May the force be with you.
23 years 7 months ago #63115 by chrystal
Replied by chrystal on topic RE: HELP! We are being put on the spot!
Wow...having the press come to your school for this reason seems very silly to me...I will be surprised if they actually show up (they always tell people we will be there but never make it). When our school district was voting on school of choice bond issues I was TOLD by the superintendant that I was to talk down the issue to our pto members. I personally was for the bonds so I couldn't not go aganist my own judgement...I did however find that our vp was aganist them so I told the super that if both sides were equally represented at an informational meeting the issue would be addressed...otherwise forget it. It would be wrong of your pto to become involved in are your pto's representative and to speak on behalf of them without a majority vote wouldn't be right. I would not attend at all because if you do and even if you don't speak it will appear that you are involved and are behind this issue. I would tell them if asked that the pto can't be involved with this...if individual parents want to be then that is fine...but you can't speak on behalf of the pto regardless of your own personal is not professional nor ethical behavior...Good Luck:)
23 years 7 months ago #63114 by MightyJo
Replied by MightyJo on topic RE: HELP! We are being put on the spot!
WOW! I don't envy the situation you find yourself in. However, there is some great advice here! I agree with staying neutral & utilizing (quoting, if necessary) your by-laws to do this. Also, the idea of focusing on your goal of assisting the children's educational experience (regardless of who the principal is) is wonderful.

If you're nervous about handling yourself in front of the press, practice with friends. Have them ask you questions & do your best. It might be best to practice with some of your board members who might be able to anticipate some "nasty" questions that could potentially come your way. Keep focused on your goals & you'll do GREAT!

Keep us informed.

Wishing you the best,

23 years 7 months ago #63113 by jarsmommy
Replied by jarsmommy on topic RE: HELP! We are being put on the spot!
WOW! I say ditto to JHB's comments and would like to further add that you could pull your Bylaws out and state your actual Objectives as a way of staying neutral. I would not offer any of my personal opinions at this point as far as the media goes.
Those teachers may very well get the suprise of their life, when it comes to press, its a different ballgame.
Good luck and keep yourself focused on your groups goals.
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