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Special education/parent involvement

23 years 9 months ago #63083 by Elaine
Replied by Elaine on topic RE: Special education/parent involvement
Margaret, I would like to discuss further with you regarding your setup within the exising PTAs. If you can't get my email from here just leave another message and I'll give you my email. Thxs everyone for your suggestions regarding special ed chairs. The purpose of our PTA is to educate ourselves/parents about spec. ed. laws., make sure that the school is in compliance, let parents know of services that are available to them, to be a support group for parents who are thinking about having their child tested, sponsored workshops etc. Our purpose isn't doing book sales or other programs for the special ed kids--this is taken care of by our regular PTA. Our major problem is the lack of parent participation in their child's IEP. We have a small percentage of parents who are involved.

[This message has been edited by Elaine (edited 06-20-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Elaine (edited 06-20-2001).]
23 years 9 months ago #63082 by cindy123
Replied by cindy123 on topic RE: Special education/parent involvement
i can't imagine a special PTA with the trend in Education being inclusion and least restrictive enviroment. Do these parents really want to be singled out? i would not do this because they need to be included and accepted as everyone else. Kids will think that way too and it is better they accept differences in a natural way. I think programs should be geared to all and your special ed dept. take care of any specific workshops or support groups.
23 years 9 months ago #63081 by plw
We have such a large number of Special Ed. kids. 1,000 in our school system receive IEP's. (2 of those are my children). We have a liason that reports at our council meetings. This info is shared then with our 15 units at their meetings. We have no special ed parent group. Since all the children in all the schools reap the benefits of the PTA's I wonder what this separate group would address?
23 years 9 months ago #63080 by Margaret C.
Replied by Margaret C. on topic RE: Special education/parent involvement
I am a parent of a child that receives special education. We have a PTO in our school system and instead of having a "seperate" Spec. Ed. PTO we have special ed chairs within each school PTO in our district. We also have a Parents Representative Council of PTO Co-Pres from the entire district who meet with the super. monthly and we have a spec ed rep there as well(me). What we have done is when ever we have a PTO sponsored workshop on special ed we distribute the flyers to everyone. Some parents and (and teachers) are curious about special ed even though their children do not receive services yet.You would probally be surprised on how many kids get special ed services whose moms and dads are already involved with the PTO/PTA. You have to remember that families might only have 1 child in spec ed and other children who are not. I think it is important to have these parents incorporated within the PTO system so parents of children who don't receive services can get a glimpse of the whole "special ed" experience. It might start our slowly at first but don't get discouraged. There is still a stigma to spec ed especially with parents of children who have "hidden" disabilities.
23 years 10 months ago #63079 by plw
This is the first Special Ed. PTA I have heard of. I would imagine the first thing you may want to do is make sure all the special ed teachers have info on your PTA. Maybe send home a newsletter with the students. Next I would surely publicize it in newspapers and maybe a publication from the board of ed. Do you have Spec. Ed teachers on board?
23 years 10 months ago #63078 by Elaine
Special education/parent involvement was created by Elaine
Our school in the past 3 years has started special education PTA SEPTA. We are up against a dead end and need suggestion on how to get these parents involved. Due to privacy laws we cannot contac these parents. This PTA covers PRE K through high school.
Any suggestions would be appreciated
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