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Child threatened another with a scissor

23 years 9 months ago #62957 by NancyPTOPres
Replied by NancyPTOPres on topic RE: Child threatened another with a scissor
Hi, I am also a PTO officer at a catholic school. We have had a few incidents at our school where there have been threats. One child was expelled immediately. However, their have been other incidents that have not been dealt with in the same manner. It seems that our principal has the ability to decide the dicipline action based on each case. As PTO pres. there really isn't much you can do. As a friend to this parent you can talk with her. Find out what her reasons are for wanting to leave the school. It is my belief that in a private school, especially a christian school, the principal and or pastor may tend to counsel the problem child, and we can only pray that the other children in the school are safe while they are trying to help the troubled child. It is a very difficult situation. I'd hate to see a good family leave your school. Good luck!!
23 years 9 months ago #62956 by bell17
Replied by bell17 on topic RE: Child threatened another with a scissor
I don't understand why the parents are ready to up and leave because they didn't like what they heard from the principal. They should have told him "I'm sorry, but that just isn't good enough for what this child has done to my daughter." "My child has the right to feel safe at school. As the principal, you are the enforcer of these rules and by letting children get away with acts that are very serious in nature is a real danger to all the children who attend this school." He may only have one parent, but so do millions of other children in this world. Why should they get away with things because things are rough at home? This is a cry for help. As a PTO president, there really isn't much you should do other than give your opinion if asked.
23 years 11 months ago #62955 by gifford
Replied by gifford on topic RE: Child threatened another with a scissor
At our (public) school this child would have been 1. suspended each time a threat is spoken or acted on. 2. counciled on his behavior. 3. and after four suspensions a child is expelled.
But about the real question. This is not a PTO matter. Feel free to support this person as a friend, but in less you want to then go to the principal on every childs behalf draw the line. I personally don't think you need to fight this for her in any office. If the principal is willing to give up a family this dedicated over one repeat offender, that is his choice. But I warn you not to get to involved with the emotions of this case as the president of your pto.
23 years 11 months ago #62954 by NancyPTOPres
Replied by NancyPTOPres on topic RE: Child threatened another with a scissor
I'm no authority here but doesn't your school have rules concerning this type of behavior? With all of the hideous acts that have been performed by children these days I do not think this lady is overeacting at all! I don't believe that the PTO would have anything to do with it though...student problems SHOULD be handled by the principal. Is the principal aware that he is about ready to lose this very active family due to his lack of attention to a potentially serious problem? Has anyone spoken to the childs mother? It seems to me if this child has "special needs" his needs are not being met at this school and maybe a public school that usually has many more resources than private (unfortunatly) would best suit his needs. It is a way too scary of a situation to dismiss...but it can't be addressed by the pto directly...indirectly however it might be a good idea to add to your next agenda that the principal is present...School Discipline Policies and Consequences for Violations. This way the child's privacy will not be an issue and the principal will have to explain his reasoning to a room full of concerned parents instead of two....Good Luck:)
23 years 11 months ago #62953 by Marion
Replied by Marion on topic RE: Child threatened another with a scissor
I don't know what you can do as PTO president, execpt maybe take it up with the principal (or superintendant) I don't think the parent is overreacting - I would be screaming if this happened to my child that had been threatened. I would be demanding that something be done about this obviously disturbed child. I'm sorry if he's got a tough home life, but he's threatening the safety of other children. Children must be able to feel safe in a school environment.

23 years 11 months ago #62952 by NancyPTOPres
Child threatened another with a scissor was created by NancyPTOPres
Hi, I've never posted here but have been visiting for the past 2 months. Now I find myself with a question that I'm sure someone reading has experienced.

A PTO board members 2nd grade daughter was threatened by a "troubled" child. He held a scissor to her throat and laughed at her. A teacher witnessed this and gave the child a conduct slip. The little girl told her parents and they called the principal. The principal has told the family they are over reacting. It has also been discovered that he took a scissor to another little girl's finger and told her he was going to cut it off. The principal realizes this boy has some troubles at home that I am not aware of (the only thing I know is that he is raised by only his mother). The parent called me because I am president of the PTO and she was going to miss a meeting because she was so upset (scissor thing occured on Wednesday and our meeting was on Thursday). On Friday the parents spoke to the parish priest (this is a private school) and he also told them to remain calm and have patience! This family went to tour another catholic school in our area and they are seriously considering switching schools. The little girl has not been to school since this happend last week. This family does alot for the school...she is a PTO board member for 3 years, started MarketDay at our school, chairs many different events, and her husband is alumni of the school, and coachs boys softball even though they only have 1 young daughter. This woman has over reacted and is emotional but, how do you feel about this? Is there something I should be doing as President? I know something similar happened 3 years ago and the family left because the principal would not help.

Thanks for your thoughts!

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