I recently had a situation where I posted a funny story about my daughter on my personal Facebook page, which is only viewable to my "friends". An hour or two later, I got a call from the Principal saying she got a call from a parent (who obviously was in my so-called "friend" group) saying that she thought my post on my personal FB page was inappropriate for a PTA president to be posting. Not wanting to make waves, I immediately took it down, but it just didn't feel right to me.
The post was not lewd or crude. It was just about kids being kids and saying funny things.
Should my personal page be under the jurisdiction of the school principal? My feeling is that the principal should have simply told the parent that I am a private individual, and if she has a problem with my posting, she should take it up with me directly.
Has anyone else had situations like this? If so, how did you enforce your boundaries.