So sorry to hear about your school : ( If you can get parents to cover the costs then I would say that some sort of home made thank you from the kids with a gift card of some sort would be appreciated. We had a thank you workshop one day last spring where we supplied all the paper and materials and the kids made thank yous where they wrote what they loved about our school then gave them to the teachers at their TA end of year luncheon. Maybe you could do something like that.
No Longer a President
Topic Author
13 years 10 months ago#156868by No Longer a President
We are a small private school which will be closing down at the end of the year due to finances. The teachers have not been paid regularly, and probably will not see money due to them. The administration is trying to relocate the school, but many are registering elsewhere. Even many of the teachers are looking to find other options.
What I need ideas for is something to do to appreciate the teachers and thank them for ALL they have done for our kids, even without being paid. A luncheon is something that has been done. A small gift, token, something to remember us... to feel the love we have for them.... we can get parents to cover any costs/sponsor this. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!