Try using the File Exchange. You might find something that you don't have to change too much.
I would also suggest having a breakfast meet and greet session. You could have bagels and muffins and coffee and tea available to the teachers and staff. If breakfast doesn't suit you, then perhaps you can do something after school or in the evening.
I know the teachers and staff would really appreciate you introducing yourself in person.
First off, congratulations! Sounds like you have a great attitude and are already off to a good start.
Think your introduction letter sounds like a fabulous idea. This may go without say but, would caution you away from talking about the lack of communication in the past. Stay focused on what the new board would like to do and keep it positive.
I went through our file exchange to see if there was any existing letter that match your request but didn't find any exact matches. There are a bunch of letters that you may be able to use pieces of to create your introduction letter.
I was recently elected PTO President for the 2010-2011 school year. I do not know many of the teachers at our school and would like to introduce myself to them before the end of this school year. I am thinking I may write a letter to introduce myself with all of my contact details.
I know that many of the teachers are frustrated with the lack of communication and the way our PTO has run in the past and I'd like to move past that, in hopes that we can all start the school year fresh. I believe teacher support is important, and that PTO supporting the teachers is important as well!
Do you have any suggestions on wording that could go in the letter? Other ideas to bridge the gap? Thank you in advance!