Dear President Jim,
Thank you for your reply. We are a public school. We have not filed our 501c yet, as I was informed we have to have a full year in to file how much money we made. That is in the process, but now that we are not able to fund raise, I do not know where the money will come from to file. As for our bylaws, they have been with her since last March. I am still waiting for them to get back from her to make sure they do not go against any school policies. I do not know what a problem it could be, as I took them from bylaws from schools that are off the site.
We do have a treasurer for our PTO, and very specific laws set up to protect the funds, all checks have to be double signed, and only her, myself, and the vice president has access to those funds. I had it passed during a meeting that all accounts would be verified each month with the treasurer, the principal or a staff member she appointed, and another board member. the accounts would be opened together, signed as to accuracy, and copy left at school. Our first 3 statements were opened without us, and then we never knew what happened to them, we had to call the bank to find out whywe had not received an account. Now we verify online.
Most of the schools around here are PTA, and in my experience, not very helpful. I will cont to check around and follow your suggestions. I do not want to get ugly with the paper, I think it would hurt the other schools as well, plus I have a hard time getting parents involved, I am afraid it could just make it worse.
I am trying to hang in there right now. I just keep telling my self that the more parents I have the more power I can get to make things work. I am trying to join up with other outside community clubs to help us, I do not think she would say no, if other community members are involved.
Thanks again, and keep us in your thought.