We have them in about half of our classrooms now. They are awesome!!! A great learning tool and at PTO game nights we hook a playstation up to one for great gaming fun! (the principal must know of course)
Supermom3.1 thanks for the website-- this is exactly what I was looking for.
I am going to give your website address to the principal so she can check it out. Thanks again
We have them at our school as well. The teachers love them. It gives them more options of teaching. The students can easily see what is being taught. Great purchase!
Yes - several of our classrooms have them now and they are fantastic! We are currently getting a fundraiser together to raise more money to help get more classes outfitted for them. Check out our school district website; scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on 21st century classroom:
Welcome to Walton County School District
I wanted to know id anyone has heard f Smart boards or has them in your school already. I've just started checking into them for our school- I'd like to fundraise next year and purchase some for our upper elementary classes-- but I wanted to come in with more info-- maybe a school that has them and what have been the pros and cons of this product--
It looks awesome and I think the kids would get a lot out of these, if the teachers are trained properly and willing to use them.
Thanks, FoxMOM