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A+ Money

7 years 3 months ago #172224 by Anonymous
Replied by Anonymous on topic Re:A+ Money
We have been told there is no longer allowed to be a reward party for the kids.
7 years 3 months ago #172223 by Anonymous
Replied by Anonymous on topic A+ Money
Our school SAC just voted and all money will go in bonus for all staff ...... does anyone know if this money could have gone to playground equipment?
9 years 2 months ago #169758 by Really
Replied by Really on topic Re:A+ Money
Let me ask you this, what about the non instructional staff that takes care of the school? Is it fair that they take care of your classroom keep it clean and make sure that everything is working? Should they not get extra? The money should be equally shared 90% shared with all staff 10% for the students in some form of reward, party etc.....Most non instructional staff struggle to make a living. Just something to think about.
13 years 3 months ago #159214 by Lisa
Replied by Lisa on topic Re:A+ Money
Teachers work hard to be an A school and don't get paid enough for it. So to receive some extra money or actually money that replaces the money they spend in their classrooms of their own money every week. I think they deserve it!

Your state needs to supply more money for the technology, etc.... not the teachers!

Enough with trying to take everything away from teachers!

Tell your politicians the schools need more money!!

Kudos to the principals that give the teachers a little extra!!
17 years 5 months ago #138653 by FrankieRay
Replied by FrankieRay on topic RE: A+ Money
Here's a link to the state law guidelines on how A+ money gets spent.

Basically it works like this: Any number of proposals can be submitted for consideration, and the STAFF gets to do a secret vote on which proposal (or "none of the above") they prefer.

Majority rules...and no hanging chads allowed!

Winning proposal goes to the SAC (School Advisory Council) which can only vote YES or NO in a public vote.

If it's yes, its a done deal. If no, you return to the "make a proposal" stage.

However, the "Final trump card" if needed always favors the staff, as I quote from the legal guidelines: "If school staff and the SAC cannot reach agreement by November 1, the awards must be equally distributed to all classroom teachers currently teaching in the school."

Hope that helps clear up the process.

Now, on a personal note, teachers are generally underpaid for the jobs they as much as you might want other things I wouldn't begrudge your teachers getting some extra cash to spend on themselves from the state. It's well deserved!
17 years 5 months ago #138538 by pres4theyear
Replied by pres4theyear on topic RE: A+ Money
I've never heard of this but I would go to the source and find out if there are rules or stipulations on to used this money
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