This past year 5 of our senior teachers retired...2 of which held the position of co-Teacher Liason to the PTO (for the past 15 years I might add). At the beginning of this year I asked our Principal who the new Teacher reps were going to be? The Pricipal indicated that had not been decided....This past week a teacher asked me for a copy of the PTO bylaws...I asked if there was a question I could answer? Her comment was, "It is a PTO, and I
feel like we should be represented." I did provide her with a copy of the bylaws. I also took the time to review them....Our bylaws do not make any mention of an offical Teacher Liason position. In the mean time our Prical has made no mention of replacing our Teacher reps. Just today this same teacher sought me out and indicated that perhaps we should add something to out bylaws requiring a Teacher Liason. Our first PTO meeting (my first as Pres)is this week, I'm a little bit nervous....that we already have an "issue".
Does your school have a Teacher Liason? Is this position mentioned in your bylaws? How is this position filled? Your comments and input will be greatly appreciated.........................Rose