We've had a mix in my 15 yrs
If bylaws define it as OK its OK - no group should exclude a stakeholder in their school from being a member (be it just member, board member, etc) Hence it would be an exclusive group NOT an inclusive group
Teachers, at home and working parents have the same time constraints, personal lives/problems, etc.
Time is not the problem - its what is their priority in being a member.
I've worked with people that have had 2-5 kids, 2 jobs plus a spouse and have done a bangup (ie phenominal) job as member, chairman and/ or board member
I've worked with people that have 1 job, no kids, no spouse and quite frankly stunk at being a member, chairman, and/ or board member
If you have check and balances in place, job descriptions, good bylaws, good communication, good leaders, good support system, good listening skills usually everything goes good but as life is a crap-shoot miriads of things could go wrong.
We must never
assume that which is incapable of proof
~HG Lewes
"People think of execution as the tactical side of business, something leaders delegate while they focus on the perceived "bigger issues". This idea is completely wrong. Execution has to be built into a company's strategy, goals, and its culture. And the leader of the organization must be deeply engaged in it"
Ram Charan, co-author of Execution:The Discipline of Getting Things Done