I would advise for your org. to keep a copy of the old ones in the secretary's records and a "clean" copy of the new ones. It should be complete with all the amendments incorporated into the new document. If anyone needs to see how the new one "came into being", your minutes and a copy of the old bylaws should give you all the info that you need.
The new bylaws should have the date that your membership (or whoever has the authority) approved them.
We have 8 pages of bylaws with 4 additonal pages that have amendments to the bylaws and their dates. Those four pages of amendments have date ranges from 2002 to present when the amendments were put in.
Do we have to have the old and the new seperate like that or just have the bylaws written as usual with perhaps at the bottom of the particular page, the date that a particular article/section was amended.
Clear as mud?
If not I will try to clarify if there are questions on my question.
Thanks for any help you can give.