Hello from the new land of OZ, Connecticut! We had tornado weather yesterday, on the first of December!---Our PTO is spunky and we are getting a lot of things planned and done. I would like to know of any suggestions for more teacher involvement. A sour note is that two years ago a teacher approached our pto president and said it was a shame...that we (the PTO) didn't fund a teacher breakfast that particular year! To which our president said it wasn't an affront, it was just a hectic spring schedule with our 23 yr veteran principal's retirement and a rash of new items to deal including a new fundraiser---we didn't have the "man" power to do the teacher breakfast. That president expressed her utmost gratitude to our teaching staff and said it did not mean that our teachers were un-appreciated, it was again, that we few parents were doing all the grunt work for all the events and we were worn out. I was quite disgruntled, plainly, that up to then, I'd only seen one teacher, and our school nurse in 2 years come to a meeting. I felt used in a way, that our teachers expected a breakfast, but didn't show up to give us any feedback or assistance. I kept my thoughts to myself, because I am a teacher--not teaching at the present, and I KNOW about the long hours and not recieving any thanks.BUt I thought it was terribly wrong on that teacher's part to complain about a breakfast, as if it was deserved automatically.
Well, that was 2 years ago. Since then, a new PTO board, etc. And I have yet to see teachers consistently at our meetings. And I love our teaching staff; my kids have been at this elem. school for going on six years! They are truly a dedicated bunch, and I am proud of them, and all they represent. However, it is true, they seem to come only when they need things. We (the PTO)consistently raise monies for cultural arts and needful items, like the new smart boards (we bought 2 for our elem. school at $3K each),equipment for various teachers, playground items, and--field trips!
So, what am I missing----I brought this up at the last PTO meeting too. That night, we had a GREAT demonstration of the new smart boards---after which the teacher left. I mean NO disrespect. Quite the opposite! I want to know what it would take to get more teacher involvement. Our principal does make 99% of the meetings---and again, I know he is the representative of the teaching staff. But I want faces! Am I expecting too much? I want to learn why it's only parents, who come to our meetings.
We have a raffle, provide a certified babysitter, and! refreshments.I was thinking, we could plan the agenda to ask a teacher at each meeting. What are the thoughts on this situation? I would really appreciate any and all suggestions! THANK YOU for listening; a long time PTO volunteer mom