vickie - I'm sorry for the late reply but I had to spend some time thinking about your question. My response is based on some assumptions: That your club is a parent group, that your intentions are good and that the majority is in favor of this candidated.
I am not in favor of altering bylaws to accomodate one person or one situation. If a change is to be made it should be for the long term good of the majority and not the immediate gain of an individual.
If you have an otherwise viable candidate that your bylaws prohibit, consider adding a qualifying clause instead. For example, some bylaws have contradictory clauses (like we've seen here before) stating that terms are for two years and the candidate must have a child attending the school. A parent with only one year left at the school is then prevented from seeking office. That doesn't seem fair. A simple ammendment could fix that.
So, my advice is to find a creative way to ammend your bylaws that address your current situation and also work on a long term basis.
In regards to your specific question, yes, you can alter the bylaws before and again after the election as long as you follow the Bylaws Change Procedure outlined in said bylaws. But it smacks of clique behaviour. Even if that isnt the case, perception is reality and you have to be very careful of the perception you leave with your community.
i am a member of a club of 200 members. we have a board of 9 rotating off every 18 months. a 2 year member is required to serve on board if elected. can this bylaw be amended for a member of 1 year to be elected then amended back to 2 as soon as he is elected????